Project Culminations

One of the most crucial steps of a project that is often missed, is the culmination. After interest in the project has died down, and there are no more questions, it is time to culminate. Students should be included in the decision on how to culmiante their project. Below are some examples of past project culminations.


Spider Museum

At the end of the spider project, all of the student work including representations  were put on display for families to come and visit the museum. Students were guides for the museum. They explained their work to families. 

Bake Sale

To finish their baking project, students held a bake sale for families and staff at their center. They created their own baked goods, signs, and menu. 



To culminate their Pond project, 3rd graders made their own mural with photos from their site visit, drawings, and more!



To culminate their instrument project, students put on a concert for their families. Students created their own invitations to invite family members.



Representations and Family Gallery

During the shoe project, students made many different representations and drawings including a giant shoe! Parents were invited to come see the shoe gallery, and students took their parents around and explained the different things they had learned about shoes.


Project Storybook or Portfolio

During the clothing project, documentation and photos were chosen to tell the story of the project and were bound into a book. Books can be student made or made by the teacher with student work and photos. In past bakery projects, students have created their own recipe book to share.